Free StageSHIFT Resources in Vertical Leadership Development

Curated by Antoinette Braks Master Executive Coach

What is Vertical Development and StageSHIFT Coaching?

A comprehensive 16p outline of Vertical Leadership Development, what makes StageSHIFT Coaching distinctive, the drivers and dynamics of later stage development and a brief outline of the StageSHIFT Programs. Click on the pic to download the pdf.

Selection of Articles on Vertical Development

Download some of the best articles on Vertical Leadership Development & Transformative Coaching.

Braks, AJ (2020) Leadership Coaching Leads to Later Stage Development, Integral Review Vol 16.1 April 2020

In this academic article Antoinette Braks presents the drivers and dynamics of vertical development to Synergist following a multiple case study where 80% shifted one stage and 20% shifted two stages after an average of 8 * 90-min Transformative StageSHIFT Coaching Sessions in one year.

December Live StageSHIFT Webinar: Tues 1 Dec 2020

Discover the critical differences between developmental coaching and transformative coaching ...

A live webinar sharing new insights into the next generation of Transformative Coaching in Vertical Development and why it is so important at this time for us to step up as coaches and support and guide strategic leaders to creating a more sustainable, healthy, equitable and joyful world for all of us. All questions and thoughts are welcome. I look forward to seeing you there!

Register for this Live Webinar

Webinar The What, Why and How of Vertical Development

A 30-min comprehensive introduction to Vertical Development and why it's so urgent today. Discover how to expedite your journey to the later stage of Synergist, attained by less than 10% of executives today. A 30-min overview of StageSHIFT's proven evidence-based Programs follows.

Watch this Free Webinar Now

30 min Outline of Vertical Development and 30 min Introduction to StageSHIFT Programs.

“This is a much-needed, research-based book that has already helped me to refine my coaching!”

—Maureen Metcalf, Founder & CEO of the Innovating Leadership Institute US & regular Forbes Contributor on Leadership

"Antoinette Braks shows us how executive coaching can become a transformational dialogue; a holistic path that can humanise our world.”

—Reinhard Stelter, Professor of Coaching Psychology, University of Copenhagen

“It is more vital than ever before that leaders develop the ability to take multiple perspectives, think systemically, consider the long-term effects of decisions and base them on the best of available scientific evidence – this book offers a path to help leaders acquire these later stage characteristics.” 

—Susanne Cook-Greuter, Strategic Advisor & Research Director, Vertical Development Academy

Antoinette’s brilliant work creates an effective, practical and grounded approach to guide coaches and leaders in a pivotal arc in the developmental spectrum to see what is not yet seen and heal underlying hidden dilemmas not yet identified. 

—Terri O'Fallon, Founder & Partner of STAGES International

OUT NOW!!! Click here to order now.

Find out more about Transformative StageSHIFT Coaching in Vertical Leadership Development. 

Maureen Metcalf, CEO of the Innovating Leadership Institute in the US, Bestselling Author and regular Forbes Leadership Contributor interviews Antoinette Braks

Click here to listen to the podcast

Selection of Articles on Vertical Development

Download some of the best articles on Vertical Leadership Development & Transformative Coaching.

There has never been a more important time to invest in vertical leadership development to transcend VUCA, realise your fullest potential, lead a more meaningful and enriching life, and make a more significant difference in creating a more sustainable, healthy and equitable world.

Set up a Meeting with Antoinette Braks

Antoinette Braks is a Master Certified Leadership Coach, the Founder and CEO of StageSHIFT Coaching and author of Executive Coaching in Strategic Holistic Leadership, The Drivers and Dynamics of Vertical Development. She has pioneered an accelerated pathway in vertical leadership development to Synergist, the top 10% of leaders in terms of adult maturity, who can transcend the turmoil in today’s world and cut through complexity, trust emergence and navigate uncertainty to transform their world with strategic ingenuity. Click here to set up a meeting and find out more about the proven StageSHIFT Programs.

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Video The ROI on StageSHIFT Vertical Development

StageSHIFT Coaching is 4 Times More Effective than most leadership programs in just 10% of the time:

  • 120% stage shift (80% shift one stage and 20% two stages) instead of standard 30% in 1 year
  • in just 8 * 90-min 121 Coaching Meetings pa i.e. 2-days pa in contrast to typical 20-day intensive offsite leadership programs spread pa.

Introductory StageSHIFT Program 

The Spectrum Stage Shift

Special Offer USD250

A series of 8 * 20-min Videos covering the Psychology, Structural Nature and Energy Dynamics of Vertical Leadership Development. Find out all about the Stages one by one, the 2-Step Square Dance of Vertical Development and the Figure-8 Holistic Energy Operating System. You'll gain many new insights and revelations into the mystery and mastery of Vertical Leadership Development.

Your Introduction to the proven and distinctive StageSHIFT pathway in Vertical Leadership Development

8 * 20-min Videos introducing you to the nature and dynamics of Vertical Leadership Development. 

What is Vertical Development?

Aug 17, 2020

How to Step Up as an Executive Coach

Jun 26, 2020

A Caveat on Vertical Assessments

May 07, 2020