Vertical Transformative Coaching

Uplift Your Holistic Self as a Coaching Instrument and Integrate Systemic Frameworks & Techniques into Your Coaching Practice so Clients can Transform the Systemic Context

Our Effectiveness as Coaches Depends on Complexity of Mindset

Discover how to expand your mindset and heartspace to transform your coaching effectiveness!

“The success of an intervention depends on the interior condition of the intervenor." ~ Bill O'Brien, former CEO Hanover Insurance


Vertical Coaching with a Synergist Mindset

Each level of Vertical Development provides a leader with greater clarity and integrity, agility and dexterity. The StageSHIFT to a Synergist Mindset with a Transforming Worldview is especially powerful and necessary to face today's increasingly complex challenges. The more conscious Mindset at Synergist and beyond for  CXO, Senior Executives, Consultants and Coaches is the single largest driver in leading successful transformation of an organization, industry, or business ecosystem. This Program takes you on the journey to realize your latent potential as a Transformative Executive Leadership Coach with a Synergist Mindset.

The StageSHIFTs through Expanding Perspectives

There are 3 Tiers of Vertical. Development: the Fledgling Self in the Concrete Tier during childhood, the Conscious Self in the Subtle Tier during adulthood, and the Unique Self in the Metaware Tier during elderhood. In each Tier, there are 2 Perspectives: Individual and Collective. The urgently needed StageSHIFT in the world today to match outer complexity and volatility is from the 3rd Perspective of the individual 'me' to the 4th Perspective of collective 'we'.

In each Perspective, there are 2 Stages: a gradual progression from Awareness to Integration. In the 4th Perspective, these Stages are Catalyst and Synergist. StageSHIFT offers a unique program that accelerates the integration of a mature Synergist Mindset held by less than 10% of the Executive population. It enables you and your clients to shift from struggling and striving to thriving and flourishing. This level of consciousness is invaluable as a vital coaching instrument. 

The Learning Outcomes for You and Your Clients

  • Learn how to construct the Systemic Strategic Scaffolding to create open expansive space and the traction for vertical growth.
  • Master time and energy by streamlining workflow and orchestrating engagement to shift from exhausted to exhilarated!
  • Discover how to cultivate conscious mindfulness and a warm heartspace to enhance wellbeing and build trust in relationships.
  • Identify, diagnose, and resolve shadow issues to eliminate self-sabotage, emotional triggers, and recurring reactive patterns.
  • Dive deep into reframing history, redesigning identity, to reshape your destiny through elevated storytelling and meaning making.
  • Discover how to stand your ground to create psychological safe space for courageous authenticity and vulnerable disclosure.
  • Learn how to articulate and raise your voice to inform, influence, and inspire diverse conflicting stakeholders to take shared action.
  • Build a broad coalition across your business ecosystem to realize sustainable long term outcomes for today and tomorrow.

The 8 Steps in StageSHIFT Vertical Coaching


Find out how the Program rolls out and how to optimize your participation in it. Share your aspirations and meet the other participants who will be companions on your journey.

  1. Program and Participant Introductions
  2. The Set of Vertical Assessments
  3. The RADAR Learning Architecture
  4. The 8 Steps in Vertical Development
  5. Learning by Doing, Relating, Thinking, Creating

You'll discover that you're on a big adventure! Being supported and challenged to see life through the mature 4th Perspective and beyond is exciting, enthralling, and transforming. Enjoy!


Undertake two Vertical Assessments. The Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile (VHLP) is capability-based and My World View involves completing a series of Sentence Prompts.

  1. Vertical Holistic Leadership Development
  2. VHLD Assessment
  3. My World View Assessment
  4. Individual 1:1 Discovery Debrief
  5. Your Unique Evolutionary Journey Map

Deepen your self-awareness in both subjective and objective ways to ignite your development and set up your own Evolutionary Journey Map to step up as a more Visionary Inspiring Purposeful Leader.


Re-imagine your place in the world to build a more conscious sustainable business that leaves a lasting legacy. Discover how to lead collaboration on setting and cascading Strategic Direction to create outer strategic alignment and inner team cohesion. 

  1. Visionary Purpose
  2. Evolutionary Values
  3. Primary Strategic Focus
  4. Team EQUIP Scorecards
  5. Cross-Boundary Initiatives

Setting multi-level strategic focus including high aspirations, conscious intentions, and team outcomes distributes leadership, uplifts team accountability, empowers decision.making, and enables you to step up as a Strategic Leader.

See the EXPANDING SPACE Program for more information on the content of the Modules


Most organizations' operating systems are messy and continuously changing. This places us out of synch with our inner sense of order and flow. Learn how to orchestrate the internal operating system for your part of the organization.

  1. Master Time and Energy
  2. Value Creation Streams
  3. Dynamic Operating Rhythm
  4. Liberating Meeting Agendas
  5. Annual Calendar Series

Instead of feeling exhausted and overwhelmed with a never-ending workload, make the shift to feeling exhilarated and overjoyed by moving into the flow of conscious emergence with ease. You'll discover how to step up as a Systemic Leader.

See the EXPANDING SPACE Program for more information on the content of the Modules


The foundations of our character are built in our thoughts, words, actions, and habits. By cultivating our inner self and outer self-expression, and learning from our relationships, we have the opportunity to upgrade our life experience.

  1. Cultivate an Open Mindset
  2. Navigate Energy in Motion
  3. Discern Energy Fields
  4. See Relationship Dynamics
  5. Resolve Team Conflicts

You’ll quickly discover how to exercise a level of self-discipline and discernment that transforms your presence in the eyes of others. Learning to think and speak with respect for self and others enables you to step up as an Authentic Leader.

See the RESOLVING SHADOW Program for more information on the content of the Modules


While it's important to lean into our evolutionary growth and latent potential, it's equally essential to resolve and release the emotional triggers and reactive patterns that form our shadow. Go beyond emotional regulation to shadow resolution.

  1. Interpret Emotional Triggers
  2. Heal Inner Personal Shadow
  3. Release Inner Saboteurs
  4. Dissolve Ancestral Shadow
  5. Absolve Cultural Shadow

You'll learn how to identify, diagnose, and appreciate your shadow as part of your soul evolution. Illuminating and resolving previously hidden shadow integrates the Holistic Self and clears the mind to step up as a Conscious Leader. 

See the RESOLVING SHADOW Program for more information on the content of the Modules


How we see and tell our story is indicative of our level of conscious awareness. By reframing and transforming story with new insight and hindsight, we can reset our identity and reshape our destiny.

  1. The Hero's Spiral Journey
  2. Story Behind Your Narrative
  3. Listening into Psychodynamics
  4. Archetypal Constellations
  5. Transforming Identity

You'll discover how to interpret events and patterns in life through a wider telescopic lens and listen into your narrative with others to deepen your self-awareness. Expand your understanding of systemic dynamics to step up as an Adaptive Leader.

See the TRANSFORMING STORY Program for more information on the content of the Modules - COMING SOON


Uplifting corporate culture and creating safe psychological safe space depends on graciously challenging the status quo and upholding values-based standards the moment they are infringed.

  1. Interactive Communications
  2. Courageous Caring Conversations
  3. Respectful Conscious Cultures
  4. Psychologically Safe Space
  5. Upholding Ethical Standards

You’ll learn how stand strong in your own presence on behalf of others, you team, colleagues, or stakeholders, so they experience the respect and care we each deserve. Uphold standards courageously to step up as an Ethical Leader.

See the TRANSFORMING STORY Program for more information on the content of the Modules - COMING SOON


Senior Executives make lots of presentations to inform others without always appreciating the lost opportunity to influence and inspire. Learn how to create and advocate a Living Signature Presentation that goes to the heart of your purpose.

  1. How to Influence and Inspire
  2. Insight, Hindsight and Foresight
  3. The 12 Ps of Powerful Presentations
  4. Myths, Mission, Morals & Message
  5. Leading a Worthy Noble Cause

You'll learn how to structure and sequence your own Living Signature Presentation including your story, argument, and appreciation of the bigger picture. Ready yourself to lead a movement and step up as a Generative Leader.

See the SPANNING BOUNDARIES Program for more information on the content of the Modules - COMING SOON


Businesses no longer operate as distribution channels competing for customers' loyalty. They are part of a multi-party socioeconomic ecosystem affecting the lives of communities and impacting the capacity of the planet to support life.

  1. Boundaryless Business Ecosystems
  2. From Pipelines to Networks
  3. Collaboration Across Divides
  4. The Power of Scrutiny in Diversity
  5. Multiparty Socioeconomic Innovation

You’ll discover how to interconnect with other key stakeholders, community concerns and socioeconomic priorities by integrating individual interests with mutual long term benefits. Lead strategic systemic innovation as a Quantum Leader.

See the SPANNING BOUNDARIES Program for more information on the content of the Modules - COMING SOON


Review your Vertical Assessments from the start of the Program and the progress you've made on your personal Evolutionary Journey Map. Take a second Assessment to see how far you've come.

  1. Your Evolutionary Journey Map
  2. Insights into your 2nd MWV Assessment
  3. Inquiry into Next Steps in your Evolution

A reflective overview of your evolution, the steps in the Program you've mastered and those you'd like to lean into more. What does this mean for the next steps in your evolution as a leader?


To complete the Program, take the time to share with all of us the special GIFTS you've received on your journey, your GRATITUDE to each participant, and the special GRACE that you've embodied.

  1. The most meaningful GIFTS you've received
  2. Your GRATITUDE for each fellow traveler
  3. The new Leadership GRACE you leave us with

You’ll complete this Program from a reflective perspective reviewing the journey you've taken. We'll all delight in your new sense of self-identity and enhanced leadership integrity.

WHY a StageSHIFT Program?

The StageSHIFT approach to Vertical Leadership Development covers all four quadrants of our life experience: our inner and outer worlds as a holistic individual and as the systemic collective.

The StageSHIFT Coaching Certification covers the four quadrants in a specific sequence proven to accelerate Vertical Development to embed and embody a Synergist Mindset. You will evolve your consciousness and clients will double their effectiveness as Senior Executive Leaders, double People Engagement, and uplift Sustainable Conscious Business Performance.

StageSHIFT takes a 3rd generation Transformative Coaching approach replete with deep inquiry and revelatory insights to accelerate growth to a complex Synergist Mindset within 1-2 years, 3 times faster than the usual 5-6 years, if ever.


Our RADAR Learning Architecture

The RADAR Learning Architecture offers a cyclical iterative cumulative approach to deepen your understanding of human experiences and apply that learning to yourself and others.

  • Review & Reflection of the online materials.
  • Attention & Awareness to deepen self-inquiry.
  • Discovery Dialogues to explore and integrate learning.
  • Assignments & Application to learn by doing.
  • Results & Revelation to appreciate our growth.

Evolve through Engagement, Exploration, and Enablement Zones.

This 40-Week Program includes:

  • The VHLP Assessment, 12 modules of online resources with a 1:1 Discovery Debrief & the MWV Assessment at the beginning of the Program followed by a second MWV near the end.
  • 20-min Videos and 15pp of RADAR Notes for each of 48 Modules across the 8 Leadership Dimensions. These rich curated materials are drip-fed monthly throughout the Program.
  • A series of reflective questions to invite deep personal inquiry.
  • 40 *90-min Immersive Live Group Discovery Dialogues or 18 *90-min 1:1 Private Coaching Sessions to deepen the inquiry, share experiences, integrate and embody the learning.
  • Assignments to apply the frameworks and techniques. You'll also learn by doing and feel the joy of growing self-confidence and ease.
  • Thoughtful feedback and input on Assignments to close the gap between ideation and implementation to ensure success.
  • Responsive Transformative Coaching on any situations, challenges, or dilemmas you encounter.

The Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile Assessment

The StageSHIFT VHLD Profile

Vertical Holistic Leadership Development

This mini-Program introduces you to the concept of Vertical Development. By understanding where you are on your journey, and appreciating your key sources of shadow identified through Stressors and Blind Spots, we can customize your Evolutionary Journey Map.

  • 3 Modules on the Psychology, Structure & Nature of VHLD.
  • Your Self Assessment across 156 leadership capabilities and shadow elements thru 6 Stages from Specialist to Alchemist.
  • A 40p VHLD Profile Report calibrating your current Leadership Presence and top 7 Strengths, Stressors, Blind Spots & Stretches.
  • Video guidance and a template to review your VHLD Report.
  • A 90-min 1:1 Deep Discovery Debrief on your VHLD Findings.
  • The articulation of your Aspirational Leadership Brand Declaration.
  • The creation of a unique 12-month Evolutionary Journey Map.

We take a sophisticated thematic resonance approach to the Discovery Debrief to develop your intuitive awareness of your Holistic Self beyond the more conventional rational gap analysis related to role fit. Through the lenses of Stage and Style, we relate Mindset to Role Fit.

My World View Assessment

Sentence Completion Exercise

MWV introduces you to the concept of Vertical Development. After completing a series of sentence prompts, you'll receive an objective assessment of where you are on your evolutionary journey, followed by a 90-min 1:1 Deep Discovery Debrief.

The Report offers you findings on:

  • Your Current Stage
  • Your Thinking Patterns
  • Your Individual Drivers
  • Working with Others
  • Fit with Organizational Culture, and
  • Time, Power, and Change Dynamics.

Are you ready to ...

  • Discover where you are on your unique evolutionary journey and consciously evolve to quickly realize more of your latent leadership potential?
  • Set aspirational strategic direction that opens up the opportunity to have a much bigger impact in the world?
  • Create strategic alignment, team accountability, and organizational coherence to empower everyone to realize High Trust Team Performance?
  • Master time and energy to shift from striving to thriving and flourishing in the flow of emergence so that ideas and insights just come to you?
  • Learn how to choreograph your life over multiple time horizons while keeping your focus on the present so you can live a fuller freer life?
  • Explore, understand, resolve, and heal parts of your subconscious shadow so you develop a greater personal resourcefulness and wellbeing?
  • Gain a better understanding of the psychodynamics and archetypes that underlie relationships?
  • Reframe your history to renew your identity and actively shape your destiny to live a more emotionally free life with much deeper self-awareness?
  • Build more constructive relationships embracing conflict and dissonance to become a wiser, kinder, bolder and braver leader who inspires others?
  • Develop a living signature presentation that brings your voice to life to lead stakeholders to realize purposeful shared goals?
  • Span boundaries across your business ecosystem to lead collaborative innovation that creates a more sustainable, healthy and equitable world?
  • Advance your career as a Visionary Inspiring Purposeful Senior Executive Leader to create a more meaningful and fulfilling life?


This is an 18-Month Program to Accelerate Your Development.

VHLP Assessment

  • The Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile Assessment
  • A sophisticated 40-p VHLP Report including your VHLP Circle and your Top 7 Strengths, Stressors, Blind Spots, and Stretches
  • 12 Online Modules on Vertical Holistic Leadership Development
  • A 1:1 Discovery Debrief with your StageSHIFT Coach.
  • The creation of your own unique 12-month Evolutionary Development Map.

MWV Assessment

  • An objective highly validated Sentence Completion Exercise
  • Video feedback to take you through your Stage of evolution.

The Vertical Transformative Coaching Certification Program

  • 48 Online Modules including Videos, Notes, and Assignments 
  • 40 *90-min Group Discovery Dialogues or 18 Private Individual *90-min Transformative Coaching Sessions
  • Explicit customized feedback on Individual Assignments
  • Responsive Transformative Coaching on any situations you face.

NB If you have already undertaken the EXPAND SPACE and/or RESOLVE SHADOW Program(s), you'll receive a €997 Credit/Program towards this one.




Single Payment Individual Program


Save €1,137 with a Single Payment


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Payment Plan Individual Program


22 Monthly Payments


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Single Payment Group Program


Save €537 with a Single Payment


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Payment Plan Group Program


22 Monthly Payments


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The VHLP and 1 MWV at the beginning of the Program to ignite your growth, and a 2nd MWV near the end of the Program to validate your leadership evolution.


Study the Online Modules at your own Pace, and Join our Live Group Discovery Dialogues at 8am CET or 5pm PST fortnightly to ask questions, share experiences and Assignment drafts.


If you aren’t completely satisfied with the StageSHIFT Program, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund less the Assessments purchased for you. No questions asked.

I am blown away by the devotion and amount of knowledge, research, techniques and tools that Antoinette has put together and is serving us through her StageSHIFT Coaching Certification Program!

She is the most aspirational, knowledgeable and loving leader I have come across,  the go-to thought leader, mentor and guide in the field of vertical development.

I will be forever grateful to her for enabling me to fully grasp the vastness, importance and grandness of vertical development, yet making it easy to start infusing and transforming my own work with clients. Catch her program if you can - it might be the most uplifting decision in your life.

- Jessica Lowenhielm, Transformative Executive Coach Sweden

Being both gentle and direct, intuitive and clear, Antoinette generously and courageously shares her wisdom and insights.

The StageSHIFT Coaching Certification is an incredibly rich program, bringing together frameworks and research that enables us to see vertical evolution in a new and holistic way.

The Discovery Dialogues with Antoinette are a wonderful opportunity to deepen the understanding, making this program not just another certification, but an essential part of your soul evolution. It’s such a beautiful journey!

- Karin Hamrin, Leadership Coach in the Transformation of Leaders and Organizations

Without her firm, generous, friendly, thought-provoking, heart-opening and soul-freeing guidance throughout the program I wouldn’t be where I am today: on purpose with a big mind, open heart, and free soul for the greater good.

I was preparing myself to be the solid holding space for CEOs and strategic leaders and knew I needed to do that specialised inner work with someone who is very established at a mature stage of consciousness. 

I notice that I bring more courage and crystal-clear integrity to my coaching practice. I highly recommend StageSHIFT if you aspire to evolve.

- Sharifah Raudhah AlQudsy, Transformative StageSHIFT Executive Coach

Related StageSHIFT Leadership Coaching Programs

RESOLVE SHADOW: Track the Triggers, Traces and Trails of Shadow to Heal the Self

Our emotions and words offer us an amazing signalling system to discover our inner shadow. StageSHIFT offers a proven approach to cultivate the inner self at the heart of our identity. By resolving and healing our egoic shadows, we can integrate our holistic self. Move from struggling and striving to thriving and flourishing. (12-weeks/6-months)


EXPAND SPACE: Build Systemic Strategic Scaffolding to Move into Flow

Most conventional organizations inhibit organic leadership growth with processes and policies that limit aspirational intent and hinder strategic alignment, team accountability, and people engagement. StageSHIFT shows you how to set strategic direction, lead change, and master time and energy at 4th Perspective. (12-weeks/6-months)


EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP: Become a more Visionary Inspiring Purposeful - VIP - Leader

This 12-month Program combines the four 12-week Programs. Our proven 8-Step sequence takes you on an evolutionary journey integrating your holistic self and systemic context. You'll accelerate the development of a Synergist Mindset and the capacity to transform your business model and generate culture change. (12-months)