The StageSHIFT Executive Leadership Accelerator Program 


Apply the proven 8-Step Scalable Systemic StageSHIFT Solution to accelerate your development as a CEO, Senior Executive Leader, and as an Executive Team. Quickly become extraordinarily visionary, inspiring, and purposeful as you lead the transformation of your division, organisation, industry, or community, and create a thriving, flourishing business ecosystem and a more sustainable, heathy, and equitable world.

  • FREE YOUR MIND: Tune into your latent potential to upgrade to a systemic quantum open mindset, and heal reactive emotional patterns that inhibit your effectiveness.
  • MOVE INTO FLOW: Design and build the Systemic Strategic Scaffolding to create a highly adaptive, innovative, and collaborative culture in a hybrid workspace at scale.
  • IN HALF THE TIME: Accelerate your career by rapidly and substantially lifting your Leadership Effectiveness, People Engagement, Creative Productivity, and Business Performance.

StageSHIFT enables CEOs and Executive Teams to quickly uplift their Leadership Capacity, Team Accountability Architecture and Org. Culture.


We know that Leadership Programs are often ineffective. 50-70% of new Senior Executives fail in the first 18 months, because they don’t get the formal CXO development or coaching needed for this level. Over 50% of Executives believe that their Leadership Programs are inadequate to the task. 

This is StageSHIFT's niche. We offer you a highly effective 8-Step Systemic Scalable Solution that delivers in 1-2 years what others might in 5-6 and most don’t ever reach! We promise the significant sustainable benefits that clients have accomplished in Personal Wellbeing, Leadership Effectiveness, People Engagement, Creative Productivity, and Business Performance within 1-2 years.

Our research shows that rapid results emerge from generating simultaneous StageSHIFTs in leaders’ mindsets and their systemic context. This elevates leadership capacity and capabilities, while uplifting everyone in  the organisation. Our unique Transformative Coaching approach integrates self, others, system, and culture; business and nature; mind and matter; our inner and outer worlds. StageSHIFT Coaching accelerates Synergist Leadership Development and Systemic Business Performance at scale.

Lead a conscious business with courage, care and integrity, and become a more purposeful, visionary leader in less than half the usual time with proven business and holistic frameworks.


We will show you how to confidently and courageously inspire, design, lead, and build a thriving and flourishing business, organisation, stakeholder, and community ecosystem!

Become an Extraordinarily Effective Systemic Adaptive Generative Ethical Executive Leader

Discover the evidence-based accelerator formula in Vertical Systemic Holistic Development to:

  • Lead your business, division, region or organization to realize sustainable outcomes during challenging volatile times.
  • Free yourself and your team from pressing deadlines, difficult people, and heavy workloads, and move into emergent flow.
  • Enjoy the peace of mind and inner wellbeing following shadow resolution and soul evolution, to build trusted relationships.
  • Cut through complexity with the intuitive awareness that enables you to see beneath and beyond systemic dynamics.
  • Leave a legacy of a more sustainable, healthy, and equitable business ecosystem for current and future generations.


  • Won Successive Promotions to CXO roles with larger companies.
  • Delivered consistently on almost impossible deadlines on $1B+ Programs.
  • Created 30% leaps in People Engagement by implementing Value Creation Streams.
  • Increased their Leadership Effectiveness by 20% in 1 year, measured by 360 Reviews.
  • Won Industry Awards e.g., The Most Outstanding Infrastructure Project of the Year.
  • Become highly sought after inspiring Keynote Speakers with amazing reviews.
  • Been Awarded esteemed Public Service Medals for Extraordinary Service.
  • Doubled sustainable business revenue growth in a matter of months.

We partner with you so you can become more and realize your highest aspirations. Learn to master time, move into flow, set strategic direction, engage diverse stakeholders, take the initiative, diagnose shadow, eliminate emotional triggers, find your voice, and develop the inner confidence and outer presence to systemically lead your team, business, division, organisation and stakeholders to success. Become the inspiring conductor of an incredible orchestra and deliver an extraordinary performance.


When I first saw Antoinette, I was fatigued, stressed at work and not enjoying life. In the very first meeting, the underlying issues were exposed. She shed light on my life and revealed things that I had simply not seen or understood, and made me feel optimistic again.

Antoinette helped me work through changes in my org structure to enable me to focus on the higher strategic issues I enjoy. And most importantly, she addressed my whole-of-life progression, not just work-life.

- Richard Host, CIO

Occasionally we meet folks who bring a unique perspective to strategic conversations. Antoinette is one such person, drawing on a wonderful understanding in so many aspects of life and business.

- Richard Boggon, Regional Director, Transport

Antoinette is a sensitive and highly gifted coach. Her ability to coach senior leaders through the strategic maze of government while they balance their personal development is her strength. She is an Executive Coach of the highest calibre.

- Jane Simmons, Executive Director Education

I enjoy my coaching meetings with Antoinette principally because she continually challenges my normalized way of thinking.

The coaching is not a linear process. It’s emergent, disruptive, and even disconcerting - that’s where the magic is. Antoinette considers things from a deeper dynamic perspective.

Her focus on embracing our uniqueness is inspiring and amazingly effective.

- Greg Ellis, Regional Executive Director Transport



Extraordinary Results Faster

Restructures on a horizontal level will tweak strategic focus but they won't transform the organization's capacity to realize more purposeful aspirations. As Einstein said, we cannot solve problems at the level they're created.

Our VISIONARY PURPOSE is to partner with executive leaders to inspire and accelerate a quantum vertical shift in leadership capacity and effectiveness so we can cut through complexity and rise above volatility to co-create more sustainable, healthy and equitable business ecosystems where everyone flourishes.

With StageSHIFT, you can take your division or organisation from INDEPENDENT Amber and Orange, to embrace INTERDEPENDENT Green and Teal at cross-boundary and upper levels (see diagram), so that everyone gets to level up and realise their latent inner potential! We show you how to build a new upper level for Senior Executives and create the open space for everyone to rise to their latent potential using contemporary org. design.

In one 1,000-person organisation, the collective Leadership Effectiveness of the top 75 leaders increased from the 60th percentile to the 80th percentile within 21-months of restructuring. In another, People Engagement leapt from the 30th to the 60th percentile in just 6-months following an extensive merger of centralised business services. In a third 50-p trading business, revenues doubled within 6-months!

Our integrated approach to Vertical Systemic Holistic Development for Executive Leaders, Leadership Teams, Organisations, Regions, and Stakeholders, generates extraordinary results fast!


The StageSHIFT Program is unique in that it takes a holistic approach to transformation. Antoinette is a collaborative intuitive whose depth of knowledge in leadership development is unsurpassed. In a short period of time, she has galvanized the organization in a way that is remarkable due to her ability to understand and engage with people.

She has clear insight into what drives behaviours in the workplace and how to make momentous changes in perspective. Her strong strategic focus, business acumen and gracious understanding of people mean you will gain far more than you expect!

Did I say there was a whiff of culture change in the air? There is a gale force wind blowing and the organization and people are the ultimate winners!

- Anne Cosgrove, Executive Director People and Culture

Antoinette was an engaging, skilful, challenging and enthusiastic person to work with. She integrated many new initiatives to transform our culture creating momentum from which results soon flowed.

The terrific speed of success was due to her great ability to engage with the leaders and ensure that the adopted strategies were well understood and effectively implemented to drive toward the desired outcomes.

She was a vital source of energy and inspiration in setting our new course and getting us going!

- Pat Richards, CEO Shared Business Services Company

Antoinette instigated a terrific collaboration with us by leading a Strategic Offsite for our new Executive Team. It was an invigorating and inspiring 2-day workshop to set our Strategic Direction and the Leadership Culture we wanted.

She then designed and led a CONFIDENT Leaders Program that enabled the Top 75 leaders become more self-aware and develop the courageous authenticity and team accountability to lift our performance.

Her broad strategic perspective and deep insights into mindfulness, emotional intelligence and personal power stimulated a significant shift in our ability to collaborate with our business partners and build a thriving sustainable agricultural sector.

- Michael Bullen, Deputy Director General, Agriculture

In Just 50 Weeks, You Could…

  • FREE YOUR MIND by letting go of the past, living in the present, and shaping the future
  • MOVE INTO FLOW to become a highly effective and inspiring systemic adaptive Synergist Leader
  • IN HALF THE TIME so you can generate a quantum leap in business outcomes this year and accelerate your career.

Our proven Vertical Systemic Holistic approach makes all the difference!

It generates rapid momentum, creates space for growth, expands your conscious awareness, and enables you to develop a calm, clear, open mind so you can lead transformation strategically and systemically with integrity and courage. Develop the confidence and capabilities to build a strong High Trust Team Performance Culture, and generate exceptional results with proven knowhow!

Discover how to free your mind to move into flow and become the maestro conductor of an incredible orchestra to shape a more sustainable, healthy, and equitable future!



Discover how best to optimise your study, participation, collaboration, effectiveness, and evolution on this Program, customised to suit you while ensuring we realise our desired outcomes. Decide on our Schedule of Discovery Dialogues.


The GLP & StageSHIFT Journey Report

Gain an objective assessment of your Vertical Leadership Development by completing a series of 30 Sentence Prompts in the Global Leadership Profile (GLP) or alternative LDP/STAGES versions. You will receive your customised GLP Report 3-4-weeks later, accompanied by a StageSHIFT Journey Report to provide context to your individual evolution. 

Then join your StageSHIFT Coach for an individual Discovery Debrief to explore your Mindset, Shadow, and Perspective illuminated by your Sentence Completions. The Debrief is not included in the Self-Study Option.


The VHLP & VHLD Modules

Gain a sound grasp of Vertical Holistic Leadership Development (VHLD) and undertake your own VHLD Self-Assessment to generate your 40p Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile (VHLP) identifying your top 7 Strengths, Stressors, Blind Spots, and Stretches.

  • The Psychology of VHLD
  • The Structure of VHLD
  • The Nature of VHLD

Use the online resources to review your Profile and prepare your own 12-month VHLD Map.  We will guide you to deepen your understanding of your Profile, and refine and customise your unique evolutionary leadership map during our insightful Discovery Debrief. The Debrief is not included in the Self-Study Option.

A StageSHIFT Coach is a coach, companion, counsellor, consultant, mentor, and guide. We are agents of expanding consciousness.

Our later stage spectrum of consciousness at Synergist and Alchemist, corporate leadership experience, together with our 3rd generation Transformative StageSHIFT Coaching approach (see diagram above), provides you with, and more access to, deeper insights and illuminating revelations that:

  • Foster the integration of polarities such as self and system, inner and outer worlds, masculine and feminine, business and nature to develop systemic perception, personal, and perspective awareness.

  • Elevate your perspective on the interconnected systemic context with a telescopic lens to zoom out, and deepen your understanding of the underlying dynamics with a microscopic lens by zooming in.

  • Evolve your appreciation of life as an adventure and your life experiences as a movie and mirror of your conscious and subconscious mind, custom-designed for your healing and growth.

The Sequence of 8 Steps to Expand Mindset and Leadership Capacity


STRATEGY - Strategic Leadership

Build the Systemic Strategic Scaffolding to facilitate your own, your team and division's aspirational intent to re-imagine your place in the world, build a more conscious sustainable business, and co-create an open expansive space for conscious vertical growth at all levels in the organization.

  • Visionary Purpose and Evolutionary Values
  • Cascading Team EQUIP Scorecards
  • Strategic Focus and Cross-Boundary Initiatives

The power of INTENTION catapults Vertical Development and the cascading Systemic Strategic Scaffolding uplifts team accountability throughout the organization.


SYNCHRONY - Systemic Leadership

Explore the interweaving concepts of time and energy to significantly uplift your creative productivity and that of your executive leaders and their teams. By orchestrating engagement, streamlining work, and leveraging neuroscience, there is a magical shift in ingenuity and team engagement.

  • Dynamic Operating Rhythm to double creative productivity
  • Value Creation Streams beyond Position Descriptions
  • Liberating Meeting Agendas to create radical accountability

Enjoy moving into the flow of emergence with a mind free of distractions and focused on important strategic priorities from a mature 4th Perspective.


SINCERITY - Authentic Leadership

We turn inwards to cultivate our mindset and heartset, in relation to positive psychology, emotional awareness and resonance, conscious mindfulness, and wellbeing. We review and reframe internal voices and default responses while cultivating the gifts we share to build respectful relationships.

  • How to cultivate mindset and self-expression
  • The value of emotional dissonance and resonance
  • Identifying shadow and developing trust in relationships 

Our systemic 4th Perspective revises the significance of our emotional ripple effect. By becoming aware of mood as a contagious virus, we uplift culture.


SHADOW - Conscious Leadership

While the sabotaging effect of the reactive amygdala needs conscious regulation, we can transcend emotional drama by resolving and healing personal shadow at 4th Perspective. This frees us from the distracting inner voices of our disparate selves and leads to a calm, clear, and open mind.

  • Emotional triggers, transference and throw-away lines
  • The G-R-I-E-F Shadow Resolution Process
  • Collective ancestral and cultural shadow

Identifying, resolving and healing shadow at source is an essential part of the journey at 4th Perspective and critical in the shift to mature Synergist.


Impromptu Reflections

"I was quite attached to what I was doing, cause and effect and it will happen. And then to come up that notch, it's like being in water where you can't touch the bottom. Treading water is reinforcing that I'd better get used to this floating feeling. Even enjoying the process, it's not painful, just disconcerting. I think I've got more energy because of it, I’m feeling great!"

"Now surfing the chaos. Starting to get it, a very different person from what I used to be ... Confident, relaxed, calm and self-assured. Giving up control, giving up striving, surrender is a key thing to progress, a new architecture internally. Life is completely taken care of. This is a new way of being."

"Finding myself with more free time ... I now have time to synthesize: what’s my position going to be in the next meeting? More influential in meetings? Yes, absolutely."

"I was always intolerant of fools and cranky with idiotic people behaving badly ... Realizing that whatever happens in their life, they are trying to do the best they can. Huge shift ... Biggest shift of all!"

"Team members are starting to collaborate and starting to listen and consult more. I'm becoming really good with the collaborative stuff, finding the intersections, common ground ... building trusted relationships."

"There's a new sense of commitment and dedication to the bigger picture, and the challenging possibility of really realizing an aspirational purpose."

"My approach is successful, meeting every timeframe to the day. Tore down the transactional framework to focus on relationships. It’s unheard of to hit deadlines as consistently as this. Met every single deliverable on time every time. Our key supplier relationship evolved into a real partnership."

"Since our conversations, there are places I've gone to as a leader, that I would've have been blind to in the past. Really tuning into me, has allowed me to hold crucial conversations. Team members have been in tears because they're learning things that are fundamental to who they are. Authenticity breeds authenticity. Me growing is causing their growth!" 

The StageSHIFT from a high-performing heroic leader @ Achievist (3rd Perspective) to a high-trust-team-performance leader @ Synergist (4th), involves quantum shifts in Mindset. To become a high-performing leader @ Achievist, we shift from a Fixed to a Growth Mindset; to become a high-trust-team-performance leader @ Synergist, we shift from a Curious, Collaborative Mindset to an Open, Transformative  Mindset.


STORY - Adaptive Leadership

Undertake a Vertical Holistic Life Review to understand your history, reframe the narrative, redesign your identity, and shape a new destiny. We set the context of storytelling for deeper transformative meaning making, drawing on interpersonal dynamics and universal archetypes.

  • Stories as Meaning-Making Learning Vehicles
  • The Heroic Journey through 4th Perspective
  • Reframing the past, in the present, to shape the future

Elevated interpretation and resonant imagination have the power to reforge memory and history to renew identity and destiny in profound ways.


STANDARDS - Ethical Leadership

The capacity to set and hold values-based standards, boundaries and priorities to create psychological safety for self and others is only found at mature Synergist. Taking responsibility for culture  increases authentic conscious engagement, shared vulnerability, and collaborative innovation.

  • Standing Your Ground beyond Expectations and Rules
  • Ethical Standards through the Stages of Development
  • How to Hold Courageous Caring Conversations

Synergist Leaders hold the space for respectful relationships while voicing the truth and implications of systemic bias to inspire real culture change. 


SIGNATORY - Generative Leadership

Articulate your Voice to give the highest expression to your intrinsic purpose in life and business, and guide your many diverse stakeholders. We review the structure and tenor of presentations from Ted Talks to Conferences so you can create our own Unique Living Signature Presentation.

  • Allow your Personal Story to bring life to your Presence
  • The 12 P's of Passionate Purposeful Presentations
  • Inspire, inform and invite your audience to join you.

The courage to step up into and stand strong with our own Voice in the business ecosystem is another distinctive capacity of the mature Synergist. 


SYNERGY - Quantum Leadership

This Module extends Synergist leadership to the wider business ecosystem to proactively build momentum across a broad stakeholder coalition including community interests to realize long-term sustainable outcomes for current and future generations.

  • Explore the wider socio-economic business ecosystem
  • Lead collaborative distributed stakeholder engagement
  • Build multi-party coalitions for cross-cultural innovation.

It's no longer enough to act alone with partial responsibility for global issues. Generating synergy with all parties will yield integrated long term solutions.



Explore and express the gifts, grit, gratitude, and grace with which you leave the StageSHIFT Executive Leadership Accelerator Program, and chart your way forward.

My time with Antoinette will forever have a positive impact on my approach to leadership. I found her perspectives thoughtful and insightful, and her connection with mind, body, spirit revolutionised my thinking.

She has a unique ability to recognise, understand, and explain complex leadership issues.  There have been many surprising revelations along the way making me a better person.

Attuning my inner self and harnessing my authenticity to be a more innovative and strategic leader awoke the inner warrior within me.

- Gary Groves, Regional Executive Director Social Services

I had the wonderful experience and pleasure of working one-on-one with Antoinette Braks. At the time, I was dealing with a very complex personal and commercial situation.

She was very quick to see the big picture. Her commercial experience together with insight into situational dynamics and personality traits greatly helped me to break down the complexity into manageable pieces to find positive forward moving paths.

Importantly she gave me the courage and confidence to implement what I considered prior to our sessions to be an insurmountable course of action!

- Belinda York, CEO

Working with Antoinette was an enriching learning experience, and the outcomes were fantastic! She impressed as an expert in leadership and the development of personal power. Her style is thought provoking and challenging, yet informal, adaptable, encouraging and fun!

Whilst I thought some of her ideas were outside the box, Antoinette's guiding questions and insights helped me to find my "voice". The fluidity of our conversations sparked off many new ideas and paths to follow. It was a truly fulfilling experience.

- JB, Managing Director International Investment Bank

Take the opportunity to talk through your leadership aspirations and challenges, and decide if our proven StageSHIFT Leadership Accelerator Program is the right fit for you. Find out more about how you can quickly upgrade your mindset, expand your heartspace, understand your soulsense, uplift your leadership capacity, increase your effectiveness, and advance your career to lead a more purposeful, meaningful, and fulfilling life.

You will have the opportunity to meet with and nominate your preferred StageSHIFT Coach when you decide to go ahead. While the Online Learning Resources are in English, many StageSHIFT Coaches are fluent in other languages for your Discovery Debriefs and Dialogues and to review your Assignments.

DOUBLE your Creative Productivity, your Leadership Effectiveness, your People Engagement, and your Business Performance in an accelerated period of time as you uplift yourself and your organisation to thrive and flourish in our fast-paced, complex, and more anxious digital age, as other clients have done before you.


The StageSHIFT Executive Leadership Accelerator Program

Become a Systemic Adaptive Generative Ethical Leader with the Consciousness to master Complexity, trust Uncertainty, dissolve Anxiety, and embrace Diversity.



  • The Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile (VHLP) Capability-based Assessment identifying your top 7 Strengths, Stressors, Blind Spots, and Stretches with a proven process to frame your aspirational intent and map your unique evolutionary journey over the next 12-months based on your personal resonance with explicit findings and selection of activities.
  • 3 Modules explaining the Psychology, Structure, and Nature of Vertical Leadership Development in terms of Mindset, Heartspace, and Soulsense with guidance to construct your aspirational intent and evolutionary journey over the next 12-months.
  • 1*90-min Individual VHLP DISCOVERY DEBRIEF with your StageSHIFT Coach to explore the findings in your VHLP Report and co-create your Unique 12-Month Developmental Map.
  • The Global Leadership Profile (GLP), My World View (MWV) or alternative LDP/STAGES Sentence Completion Assessment based on your StageSHIFT Coach's selection.
  • The accompanying StageSHIFT Journey Report providing context for your continuing Vertical Development in relation to your leading and trailing edges, and Stage integration.
  • 1*90-min Individual Discovery Debrief with your StageSHIFT Coach to explore your development based on your GLP/LDP/STAGES and StageSHIFT Journey Reports.
  • NB The Individual Live Discovery Debriefs are not included in the Self-Study option. Rather the Debriefs are guided by online videos,


  • An Overview of the StageSHIFT Executive Leadership Accelerator Program.
  • 3 Modules on StageSHIFT Vertical Holistic Leadership Development spanning many theorists and models to give you an understanding of shifts in Mindset and Worldview.
  • 40 Modules across the 8 Leadership Dimensions inclusive of Videos, Notes, Articles, Reflection Exercises, Templates, Techniques, and Assignments.
  • Review of your Individual or Team Assignments to provide you with asynchronous input to ensure your documented approach will achieve the intended outcomes.
  • Participation in a Member-only StageSHIFT Online Community to post questions and reflections, and receive valuable insights and suggestions.


  • 1*90-min Preview Meeting to take you through the structure and format of the Program, and confirm the schedule for our Discovery Dialogues.
  • 8*90-min Live DISCOVERY DIALOGUES filled with Immersive Inquiry and Powerful Insights into your Questions and Reflections every 4 weeks with breaks in January and July.
  • 1*90-min Review Meeting to explore the value and impact of the Program and your pathway forward.
  • Including a 90-min Discovery Debrief on each of the 2 Vertical Assessments above, a total of 12*90-min Live Coaching Meetings over a period of 50-weeks with breaks in January and July.
  • All Live Transformative Coaching Meetings are recorded for you to review in your Online Program Resources with an outline of what was covered.


50-Week StageSHIFT EXECUTIVE Program


Please use the SECTOR Coupon for a 20% Saving if you work in the Public or NFP Sectors.


Individual Single Payment /Executive


SAVE €1505 on the Monthly Payment Option

Est. £12,895, US$16,195, AU$24,895+GST


Individual 12 Monthly Payments /Executive


12 Monthly Payments = $16,500 +GST in AUS

Est.£1,185, US$1,485AU$2,285+GST


50-Week StageSHIFT TEAM/GROUP Program


Please use the SECTOR Coupon for a 20% Saving if you work in the Public or NFP Sectors.


Team/Group Single Payment /Executive


SAVE €825 on the Monthly Payment Option

Est.£6875, US$8635, AU$13,275+GST


Team/Group 12 Monthly Payments /Executive


12 Monthly Payments = €8.820 +GST in AUS

Est.£635, US$795, AU$1,220+GST


While working with the Board and Management Team, Antoinette helped us to turnaround our national Association. Her commitment to bringing our vision to life and focus on results, inspired us to achieve much more than we thought was possible.

Her style is fast-paced, insightful, strategic, always positive and encouraging. Her high energy level literally “swept us up” and moved us along. Together we achieved audacious goals, developed a national profile and became a significant influencer of national government policy.

- Judith Speight, Chairman TUANZ

I worked with Antoinette when I was preparing my application for my current CEO role.

Antoinette brought energy, clarity, focus, new perspectives and ideas, and significant business acumen to the process, assisting me to shape my CV, value statement and prepare for the multiple interviews.

She was dedicated to the goal, running this as a project to be successfully delivered - and it was!

 - Elizabeth Shaw, CEO


Antoinette is an extraordinary leadership coach who truly 'listens' from multiple levels. Her commitment to her own evolution and growth and her innate ability to access her vast inner wisdom and bring it into form to guide others is a beautiful and powerful gift.

Couple this with her extensive knowledge and an established (and tried and tested) suite of personal leadership development tools and approaches - and the result can only be WOW!

- Nicola Vague, Change Management Consultant


Enjoy the first Two Chapters of Executive Coaching in Strategic Holistic Leadership: The Drivers and Dynamics in Vertical Development by Dr Antoinette Braks (McGraw Hill 2020)