Maureen Metcalf
MBA, BS Economics, ESG Self-Study Certificate, Master in Ecosynomics
English | United States
Founder and CEO of the Innovative Leadership Institute in the US, Maureen Metcalf is a highly sought-after expert in anticipating and leveraging future business trends. She helps leaders elevate their leadership quality and transform their organisations to create sustainable impact and results. She captured her thirty years of experience and success in an award-winning series of books used by public, private, and academic organisations to align company-wide strategy, systems, and culture with innovative leadership techniques.
Maureen is a Fellow with the International Leadership Association. She also serves on the Advisory Board at the School of Strategic Leadership at James Madison University
As a preeminent change agent, Maureen Metcalf has guided her clients to set strategic direction and transform their organisations to deliver significant business results such as increased profitability, cycle time reduction, improved quality, and increased employee effectiveness.
She has shared her hard-won insights through conference speaking, industry publications, radio talk-shows, video presentations, and as a regularly featured author for She is the host of Voice America international radio show focusing on innovative leadership, and the author of an award-winning book series on Innovative Leadership, including the Innovative Leaders Guide to Transforming Organizations, winner of a 2014 International Book Award.
She has been recognized for her contributions to the fields of leadership, innovation, and technology as the Business First BizTech Executive of the Year 2019, ComSpark Power Player 2018, 2019, and 2020 and Ten Influential Business Leaders to Watch 2020.

StageSHIFT Coaching is 4 times more effective in realising vertical leadership development, in 10% of the time invested than most Leadership Programs. It offers a 120% StageSHIFT in just 8 coaching sessions, a total of 2 days instead of 20.
Eleanor Meekins, MSA, CPC
Maureen Metcalf is a Forbes leadership coach with a suitcase of credentials. She is in high demand nationally and internationally, and I felt honored when she agreed to present to the ICF Columbus on “Coaching Resilience in Individuals” on 7/13/20. Her presentation style and her slides were excellent. She received top notch evaluations. This is not surprising. She has more than 30 years of coaching experience and has published numerous articles including a series of books on leadership. Maureen is now publishing a newsletter and is accepting subscriptions.
Cynthia Cherrey, CEO, International Leadership Association
The International Leadership Association (ILA) and I are thrilled to participate in an interview series on global leadership with Maureen Metcalf, host of Innovative Leaders Driving Thriving Organizations. Maureen is a professional at what she does. She is knowledgeable and always makes our ILA members and VIPs such as George Papandreou (Former Prime Minister of Greece) and Jorrit Volkers (Dean of Deloitte University - Europe, the Middle East and Africa) feel right at home. During the interview process, her years of experience and insight help elicit and drive home important points about global leadership and our need for more complex, integrated leadership thinking and solutions.
Steve Hertel, Tad Group LCC
Maureen helped me with development of my engineering team at GE Water. She came in for an offsite leadership retreat, presenting some great material and thought-provoking questions for our team. With her hands-on approach and direct style, Maureen had an outstanding ability to connect with the team of engineering managers. Much of this innovative material was new to them, but Maureen was able to provide great examples to help them relate and understand. Following the retreat, we came away with a clear set of goals and actions for our leadership team. A number of the managers also signed up for Maureen's Innovative Leadership program. Over the year long duration of the program I saw growth in development of leadership and creativity in addressing challenges within their teams and projects. I would highly recommend others consider Maureen's Innovative Leadership program.
Innovative Leadership for Healthcare
Field-Tested Frameworks and Processes to Innovate Leadership and Build World Class Health Care Organizations for the 21st Century
This book represents the synthesis of many years of research, work experience, and consulting. It integrates best practices from health care, medical education, hospital administration, mentoring, coaching, and consulting. We would first like to acknowledge our employers and former employers, patients, students, clients, and colleagues for providing practical opportunities to learn and build strong skills in health care leadership, consulting, organizational change, large-scale systems change, and strategic thinking. It was this solid foundation that allowed us to create this methodology.
As a theoretical foundation, we worked with or studied many thought leaders in leadership development, developmental psychology, and integral theory. The theoretical giants on whose hard work we built the Innovative Leadership and Organizational Transformation models include Wiley W. Souba, Jr., MD, ScD, M.B.A., Susanne Cook-Greuter, Ph.D., Terri O’Fallon, Ph.D., Belinda Gore, Ph.D., Hilke Richmer, Ph.D., and Ken Wilber. These leaders shared their theories and ongoing guidance and encouragement, creating a solid framework that is comprehensive and theoretically grounded.