Our Automated Capability-based Vertical Assessment?
Access the elegant automated Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile (VHLP) Self-Assessment based on a 4D Capability Leadership Model to Alchemist that applies directly to the workplace.
Did you know that most Executives have little idea about their latent potential?
Even an understanding of Vertical Leadership Development ignites curiosity about our human potential. Imagine also realizing that quantum Synergist leaders transcend complexity and Alchemists evolve socio-economic ecosystems!
Raise Self-Awareness to Evolve Identity
Discover the power of a highly personalized and deeply resonant Vertical Assessment:
- Open the opportunity and curiosity for leaders to develop vertically and horizontally to mature later Stages e.g., Synergist+.
- Provide a concise yet comprehensive outline of the structure and nature of Vertical Holistic Leadership Development (VHLD).
- Illuminate individual leadership growth potential with their VHLP Wheel and Top 7 Strengths, Stressors, Blind Spots and Stretches.
- Hold an expansive conscious space to offer and access deeper insights underlying the patterns and themes in the 40p Report.
- Guide your leader to articulate a highly resonant tailored Vertical Leadership Development Map to steer their evolving journey.
Ignite Development for the Heroic Journey to Later Stages!
The StageSHIFT VHLP Certification Program
Our 12-month VHLP Certification Program will teach you ...
the Psychology and Structure underpinning Vertical Holistic Leadership Development (VHLD) using our RADAR Vertical Learning Methodology. We share the 4D VHLP Model: an integrated blend of 6 Levels (Specialist to Alchemist), 4 Lines (AQ, EQ, MQ, SQ), 5 Leads (leadership-in-action), and 3 Limits (shadow) in VHLD. The Program completes with our unique approach to the Discovery Debrief with client executives based on underlying thematic resonance.
The VHLP Certification Program comprises:
- Extensive online videos and 20p notes with associated articles for each of the 3 Modules: the Psychology, Structure and Nature of Vertical Holistic Leadership Development.
- 10 Live 90-min Discovery Dialogues with Dr Antoinette Braks to cover concept, content and individual case studies across 8 Modules.
- Personalised Feedback on Assignments submitted in relation to the Modules.
- A VHLP Assessment for you together with a one-to-one 90-min Discovery Debrief with Dr Antoinette Braks for you to experience the process, raise your own self-awareness, and map out your own evolutionary leadership journey.
- Two VHLP Assessments for your executive clients to prepare for, rehearse, and practice the Discovery Debrief. You are free to charge your clients for these.
Completion of the VHLP Certification will enable you to purchase VHLPs for your clients at the rate of USD $220 (€200 or AUD325) per participant. This can include a Video Overview and PPTX Template that guides your client to review and develop an understanding of what is most meaningful for them in their VHLP Report to ignite a quantum vertical shift in their leadership.

"The Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile was the best, most useful piece of reading I have ever done.
I read it cover to cover three times. My own results aside, I learned so much about what leadership really means. I found the “Holistic” approach especially enriching – it goes well beyond the most evolved leadership concepts I have come across so far."
- Bindra Navneet Singh, SVP / Country Chief, Ingram Micro

"The VHLP Discovery Debrief greatly increased my awareness of myself as a leader. From the outset the questions posed in the VHLP made me reflect on a deeper level. Powerful insights for clear action emerged for me as a result. StageShift coaching and the VHLP adds a different layer to leadership development that supports leaders and the organisations they lead to add greater value to their stakeholders, communities and employees."
- Annette Byrne, Director Leadership & Talent, Central Bank of Ireland

"My VHLP Discovery Debrief session was exactly what I needed. I had been seeking answers and tools in a variety of different places to pull myself forward to my next step. I was fascinated and inspired by the way it systemized and helped me see the patterns very clearly. It gave me a deeper explanation for a lot of the issues that I was facing, as well as concrete and practical actions to further my development. In short it was like being recognized for who I really am and thus every comforting word and clear action rang crystal clear in every part of my being."
- Jakob Holm Nielsen, People & Culture Business Partner, Oatly

In The Next 12 Months, You Could…
- Discover the depth and breadth of Vertical Development
- Catapult the evolutionary journeys of Executive clients
- Expand awareness and promote the power of Vertical
Our Vertical Holistic Leadership Profile is a game-changer. It focuses on leadership capabilities and shadow elements in the workplace. It is directly relevant. Create the opportunity and curiosity for growth, and generate a new understanding of our human potential. We’ll cover it all in the Certification Program.
The Series of 8 Modules are ...

We provide you with a brief history of Constructive Developmental Psychology drawing on many of the key pioneers in our field. We then zoom in on the crucial pivot point in our current evolution.
- Motives, Means, Morals, Memes and Mind
- The Sequence of Stages, Perspectives and Tiers
- The 2-Step Vertical Square Dance
Become familiar with the scientific background to Vertical Holistic Leadership Development extending your understanding to 5th Perspective.

During this Module we take you through the StageSHIFT approach integrating the Stages of Development as continuously maturing Perspectives. We review the nature of Vertical Holistic Development.
- The StageSHIFT Holistic Energy Operating System
- The Spectrum StageSHIFT of neighbouring Stages
- How Self-Expression and Life Experience Interconnect
Discover the complex and intricate nature of Vertical Holistic Leadership Development through the Stages while ensuring a degree of stability.

We turn to the systemic organizational context and the hierarchy of role levels in organizations. Vertical Leadership Development is directly connected to the Level and Scope of Accountability and Impact for leaders.
- The 6 Levels of Development from Specialist to Alchemist
- The 4 Lines of Development based on Jungian Concepts
- The Correlation of Stage Development with Role Levels
Vertical Leadership Development is an essential arbiter in stimulating and inviting more mature leadership development at more senior role levels.

Leadership is in evidence through demonstrated capabilities that draw on an embodied capacity to bring people together despite conflict, grievances, and dilemmas, to take concerted action to realize shared aspirations.
- The 5 Leads in Mindset, Motive, Meme, Means and Mode
- The 3 Limits in the Shadow of Offence, Defence and Absence
- Outer Diversity, Equity and Inclusion begins with Inner DEI
Knowledge, skills, and aptitudes and even a growth mindset are sufficient for 3rd Perspective roles yet inadequate for 4th Perspective roles.
The VHLP Model integrates 156 Leadership Capabilities defined in relation to the 6 LEVELS of Development from Specialist to Alchemist, 5 LEADS involving Leadership-in-Action, 4 LINES of Development - AQ, EQ, MQ, and SQ, and 3 LIMITS related to Shadow.
The automated 40p VHLP Report offers context, data, your Top 7 Strengths, Stressors, Blind Sports and Stretches, and a range of practices to support Vertical Development. We hold the space for a deeply resonant Discovery Debrief to co-create a 12-month Evolutionary Journey Map for you.

Why the VHLP? How does it compare to other Vertical diagnostic instruments and what are its unique advantages? Why is a capability-based instrument so effective and how can you position it to your clients?
- Raising Self-Awareness is more powerful than Accuracy
- The Actual Inaccuracy of 4th Perspective Assessments
- The Usefulness and Later Irrelevance of 360 Instruments
Assessment offers blessings and lessons. They create vulnerability and defensiveness. Turning it into an insightful valuable experience is inspiring.

Gaining an open understanding of the client prior to your Discovery Debrief instils confidence in you and them. There is much to be learnt from their VHLP Report that you can share with them to invite their thoughts.
- Identifying Insights into the client's VHLP Wheel
- Screening the Data Pages of the VHLP Report
- Ascertaining Underlying Themes and Patterns in the Top 7
Develop a balance between gaining knowledge and insight during a Preview of a VHLP Report and holding the open space of a live Discovery Debrief.

The Discovery Debrief is at the heart of the VHLP Assessment process. As you illuminate the Report findings with insights and inquiry, and they are experienced by the client, it becomes personally very meaningful to them.
- The Top 7 Strengths, Stressors, Blind Spots and Stretches
- Their Vertical Development Matrix of Resonant Phrases
- The Client's Emergent Aspirational Leadership Identity
Most executives are not practised in articulating or cultivating their aspirational leadership identity. Your helpful guidance will be greatly valued.

We guide the client to complete the VHLP Assessment process by compiling their own Vertical Development Map. Much of the data to identify their monthly developmental focus will emerge from the Discovery Debrief.
- An Aspirational Leadership Identity Statement
- A Series of 12 Monthly Foci for Vertical Development
- Identifying related Developmental Practices and Actions
The VHLP Assessment process follows Parts I, II and III of the Report: Vertical Development, Assessment Findings, and Developmental Mapping.
I'm Antoinette Braks
I've been a dedicated student of Vertical Development Psychology since 2010. Previously I was fascinated by the development of human consciousness and strategic leadership effectiveness in business.
Earlier in my career I developed Leadership Models for large organizations and have undertaken hundreds of Senior Management Assessments during my managerial and coaching roles with Korn Ferry and Hudson.
The StageSHIFT VHLP Model is the culmination of over two decades' exploration and recent revelations into the art and practice of purposeful leadership in organizations.
The 4D Model integrates the 6 Levels of Development from Specialist to Alchemist, 5 Leads of Leadership-in-Action, 4 Lines of Development (AQ, EQ, MQ, and SQ) and 3 Limits (shadow) of Development resulting in an overall Leadership Presence (LQ) rating.

"It became clear to me that a vertical lens is key to fundamental leadership and organizational development. What I was lacking were two things: an automated vertical diagnostic instrument and a development methodology applicable for the business environment in terms of language and a viable time investment by leaders that would deliver proven results. So I was fascinated when I discovered Dr. Antoinette Braks' work and proudly recommend the StageSHIFT methodology and Programs."
- Ekaterina Surkova, Vertical Transformative Executive Coach

"I will be forever grateful to Antoinette who finally helped me put the puzzle together to fully grasp the vastness, importance and grandness of vertical development, yet making it easy to start implementing, infusing and transforming my own work and its impact on my clients.
The Program has taken me on an explorative, emergent and transformational highway, deepening the learning, elevating aspirations and taking action on personal, professional and organizational levels: uplifting and freeing the mind, heart and soul."
- Jessica Lowenhielm, Vertical Transformative Executive Coach

"If you have a passion for individual and organizational evolution including how to achieve this, then I highly recommend this Program. It has accelerated both my own evolution and also my understanding of the practical application of this to organizational evolution.
Thanks Antoinette! Your years of commitment to the growing field of vertical holistic leadership and organizational development is benefitting all those who share your passion."
- Jenny Hoffman, Evolving Conscious Leaders and Co-creating Regenerative Organizations
The StageSHIFT VHLP Certification Program
StageSHIFT VHLP Certification Program
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Supplementary Certification
We also offer the 12-18-month StageSHIFT Vertical Transformative Coaching Certification for Coaches.
How much time do I need to invest in this Program?
Do I need to be familiar with Vertical Development?
Can I gain Continuing Education hours from this Program?
What are the more advanced StageSHIFT Programs?
Receive the first 2 Chapters for FREE.
Enjoy the first two chapters of Executive Coaching in Strategic Holistic Leadership to find out more about the History and Stages of Vertical Development. We’ll continue to offer guidance with our monthly StageSHIFT newsletter full of the latest updates and new insights.
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