Posts on Our Evolution 

StageSHIFT partners with executive leaders to inspire and accelerate a quantum vertical shift in conscious leadership capacity and effectiveness, embracing the opportunity in systemic complexity and rising volatility to co-create more sustainable, healthy, and equitable business ecosystems where everyone and all of life flourishes as a community.

The Differences between Effective and Extraordinary Leadership

leadership development Dec 06, 2015

The distinguishing features and qualities of a manager and a leader are well documented. However there is a further shift in leadership capacity for a Senior Executive to become an inspiring strategic transformational leader. It is no longer about extending skill sets or becoming more authoritative. The glass is already full.

Rather, the focus is vertical learning, going up the spiral, where we blend positional authority with personal authenticity. Where we not only embody our values and principles over and above immediate profit outcomes but we’re also focused on how we might inspire and encourage others to become more authentic, caring and consciously aware of their intrinsic potential and great opportunity to contribute.

To do this we must let go of control and trust in the process of empowering everyone to live up to their highest possibilities. Our role is to hold an expanded safe, secure and sacred space, a much larger container, to cultivate the emergence of increasing consciousness amongst all. This requires the greatest of respect and compassion for each human journey as well as the unrelenting commitment and courage to realize aspirational outcomes trusting that with commitment and dedication, the pathway will emerge.


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