More Women at the Top?
Given our preoccupation to have more women at the top of organizations, it’s curious to realize how gender archetypes underlie the shift from transactional to...
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There are three main theoretical foundations for vertical development:
There’s a difference between “nice to have” and “need to have”. The first is optional, the second is necessary. In today’s world, vertical leadership development...
The Brexit outcome came as a huge surprise with a very close 52% vote to exit. The Leave Campaign was highly successful given that the incumbent Prime Minister David...
The VUCA world of Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity is the emergent norm of the post-conventional world. It demands that we develop post-conventional leadership capacity. As...
1. The 2016 Peterson Report found that the 20% of firms from amongst 22,000 surveyed in 91 countries that had 30% or more female executives in upper management enjoyed an...
In talking to clients, I know that many senior executives have control issues. They want to keep a certain span of control to ensure nothing gets out of hand. At its worst, executives...
360 Assessments were intended to be more “objective” by including a larger range of “subjective” assessments by peers, team members and external stakeholders in addition to...
Marshall Goldsmith, world-class global Executive Coach, has come up a few times lately so I decided to read his latest book TRIGGERS. He defines a trigger as: “any stimulus that reshapes our...
Do you dread the question: "What's your story?" or the instant opener: "Tell me about yourself." It happened to me twice in the last week and to be honest I wasn't prepared. I instantly fell into...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.
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